Monday, April 18, 2011

DIY Mani/Pedis!

Hey, sexies!

First off, for those of you who follow me on YouTube, I won't be vlogging there for awhile. I just need some inspiration for my makeup tutorials, but more importantly, my webcam is crappy and makes everything look bad. My digital camera broke so I'm going to get a new one ASAP so I can make the best quality videos for you guys. Mmmkay? Mmmkay. Moving along.

So, some of you know how much of a DIY freak I am. I do as much on my own as I can because it costs less. I believe in paying for goods, not services. This definitely rings true when it comes to manicures and pedicures. I've had two pedicures my entire life and the first one (which I'd gotten for prom) was almost my last when it led to me having to get my nail cut off. I didn't get another one for YEARS. Once I did, I didn't have any problems, but I didn't want to pay that much for a mani/pedi every time I wanted one. So, as I was getting this fabulous pedicure in Miami, I watched the lady really intently. I looked at the tools she used, and when I got home from my vacation, I bought everything you need to have an amazing mani/pedi. Of course, I'm no professional so it's not going to be perfect. But it costs a lot less and i get compliments on my nails all the time, so I guess it works.

I know a lot of you...more high maintenance ladies won't want to stop going to your nail technician, but you know you can't see her all the time! So this is a great thing to do in-between appointments as well. Spring is among is and you know you want your toes out, so let's make them pretty!

Here's what you need:

-Nail polish. (Duh.)
-Nail polish remover. (Also, duh.)
-Scrubby foot brushes.
-Emery board.
-A pail to soak your feet.
-Baby oil.
-Foot lotion.
-One of those cube thingies with the different sides to smooth our your nail. (I have no idea what these are called, sorry! But they're extremely useful and cost no more than like $3.)
-Orange stick. (This is those wooden sticks to push back your cuticle--NEVER CUT YOUR CUTICLES, BRO.)
Fingernail/toenail clippers.
-PedEgg or whatever filing tool you choose to use. But the PedEgg has brought me life.
-Any foot scrub you like.
-Socks. (Optional)
-Q-Tips. (If you're messy at nail polish like me.)

First, I remove any nail polish and use my PedEgg to remove dead skin. Afterwards, I use the emery board to slough off additional dry skin. I soak my feet in water filled with great-smelling soap and baby oil for about fifteen minutes. Then I take my scrubby brush get rid of even more dead skin using a foot scrub. I use the orange stick to remove any gross stuff in between toes and to push back my cuticles now that they're soft from the water. After that, I dry off, put on a good foot lotion, and put on some socks (sometimes).

Then once my nails are dry, I use the cube-y file-y thingy. Most of them come with instructions on which sides to use and in which order, so just do that. It's important that your nails are dry when you do that because nails are pretty weak when wet. Then, I apply my nail polish. I do a crappy job so I keep Q-Tips nearby so I can clean everything up. Sometimes I finish with a top coat, sometimes I don't. And I always use Q-Tips so my perfectly clean feet don't have to touch the ground and my nails still dry.

As for my fingernails, I soak them in water for two or three minutes because they're already pretty weak. I do the same thing with them as I do my feet. I even have little gloves I put on my fingers so they get really soft! I also highly recommend a nice cuticle cream/oil. Solar Oil is my favorite.

Well I hope you guys enjoy these tips and I hope they save you a lot of money!

Ta-ta, lovelies!