Who Wears Short Shorts?!

Now Playing: The Stunners "Bubblegum"
Hi, dolls!
So lately, I have been OBSESSED with shorts. Those of you who know me know that all I wear are leggings. EVER. Not even jeans. LEGGINGS. That's it and that's all. But I went to Marshall's and saw these really cute shorts for $14.99 that I decided to give a try. They're this silky material and they have pockets (They're very similar to the Forever 21 shorts shown here). I tried them on in the fitting room (something I NEVER do--don't follow my example, though!) and they looked awesomesauce! They made my butt look...existent! I've only had these shorts for three or four weeks but I have worn them three or four times since. I'm so obsessed with them, Friday I went and got the black pair. They're everything.
Bottoms were definitely what I needed. I have a lot of cute tops but black leggings and even jeggings can get kind of old. It was nice to spruce up my summer wardrobe with just one change. I plan on buying a lot more shorts. I don't know why I've been covering up my legs for so long...I kind of have a nice pair! I think it's because I've always been afraid of being labeled as skanky. I have curvy legs and my thighs are really thick, so it's easy for short skirts and shorts to look...shorter. But now I don't care.
I love shorts that you can dress up for a cute summer night, and these definitely do it. I doubt I'll be rocking any denim shorts this summer...or any denim at all, unless it's a vest or something. Denim bottoms are uncomfy for me.
But anyway, that's my short story. Stay tuned: I'll probably have some OOTDs featuring them! Until next time!
Ta-ta, sexies!
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