Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hi, lovelies,

I just seem to keep letting life get in the way when it comes to a lot of things as far as my career. I just haven't been able to buckle down and blog the way I really want to. So this is my sincere promise to you that I, Brittney Clark, will be blogging more regularly. I have promised myself that in 2014 I won't be letting you down.

So who exactly is "you"? I have a ton of friends from Facebook, Twitter, school, family friends, etc. who constantly ask me why I don't make YouTube videos or blog. And, in fact, I HAVE. I just haven't LATELY. And by "lately", I mean two years but who's counting? So this blog is for you guys. The ones who always have questions for me regarding certain techniques, tips, and tricks regarding makeup.

I've got a few things up my sleeve for this year, God willing, that I'm very excited about. I'll be vlogging on YouTube again, probably under a new page and name. My YouTube page is going to be a lot like the content here--makeup first and foremost, hair sometimes, favorites videos and tags, some music, and some food. Just whatever I'm liking that I think you guys will enjoy. I think that me keeping up with how far I'm getting in what I want will keep me blogging and vlogging, and it will probably get me farther than I thought I ever could go.

Your continued support is amazing and means a lot. You know who you are. Tell your friends. Tell your mom. Britt is back. And 2014 is going to be amazing.



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