The MAC Chronicles: Chapter I

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I know I've been neglecting this blog so much, but I definitely haven't forgotten about you guys! I've been busy with work, I just bought my first car, and I've also put my YouTube channel on a slight hiatus until I can record on a better camera, especially if I'm going to be doing makeup tutorials. I just want the best for my readers and subscribers!
Speaking of makeup, I've made the decision that I'm going to try to work at MAC Cosmetics. I know what you're thinking. "Everybody wants to work at MAC." "You'll never get in!" First of all, shut up! (Kidding, but really.) I used to think those same thoughts, until a few days ago. I was at work, ringing folks up when this really nice woman comes to my register. We're just talking and she says she's on her lunch break at work and that she told her co-workers she wasn't going to buy anything. I asked where she worked, but I could already tell by her makeup and her sleek black outfit that she worked for MAC. So, of course, we start talking makeup.
I asked her how she got into MAC. She said she had no makeup experience and it took her a year to get the job. She said she was very persistent, as the manager had told her, "If you're persistent with me, I'll be persistent with you." She also told me it's very difficult to get a job at MAC because, aside from the fact that you have to be on point with makeup, nobody ever wants to leave because the company is so amazing. She told me about their discounts and how they get all kinds of free products. I was probably drooling as she talked to me.
Then she said I should apply because my makeup looked really pretty. It's always great to hear compliments from people who do makeup for a living. I think that's what gave me the drive to say, "You know what? Screw it. I'm gonna apply for MAC. Now's a great time. I know I won't get hired immediately but I'm gonna try my hardest."
They always say it's not what you know, it's who you know, and at MAC, it seems that things are no different. I'm an excellent networker, which is a really important trait if you wanna move up in life. I'm good at using the gift of gab to get what I want. If you talk to the right people, you can get anywhere you need to be. So, Tuesday was the day. I did my makeup supercute (see the picture!) and walked in with confidence after my shift at my current job.
Of course I did some looking around first (for research...hehehehe) and then a man approached me, asking me if I had any questions. I'd actually talked to this man before and I remembered his name, which is a big deal if you're trying to get a job somewhere. Remembering names doesn't seem important at the time, but it shows that you're paying attention. I said to him, "I know it's really hard to get a job at MAC, but I was wondering if I could get an application anyway." He told me there were no current openings (surprise, surprise!), but he'd be glad to get me an application. I looked around some more while he ran to get me an application. When he came back he said he didn't mean to discourage me, it's just that nobody ever leaves the company. I told him I understood that, and he said that at least I'd be in the system when it's (eventually) time for them to do some hiring.
Nowhere on the application does it ask you for makeup experience, which calmed my insecurities a bit. I know I'm good with makeup. I'm better than the average person. I know I could be better. I have a LOT of techniques down, but there's so much to learn. I also really need to work on doing other people's makeup, because when you get your final interview, they ask you to bring a person with you so you can do their makeup. I think once I keep learning, which I'm constantly doing, and once I turn my application and call back ALL THE TIME, I'll be able to get the job. I'm really confident in that. I think that's all you really need.
I'm gonna be covering my experience with MAC as updates come along. I plan on calling them literally every week, but I know people who called every three days. You never know when you might be able to slip in, so being persistent seems like it's definitely key. I can't wait to turn in my application tomorrow! I'll let you guys know how everything goes.
Ta-ta, lovers!
PS: I won't leave you guys hanging with the blog posts like that again! Pinky swear!
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