My Latest Creation!!!

Hi, babies!
First off, I just wanna say that last night I had a revelation brought on by my mother talking to me. I don't want to say very much about it because I believe that some thing are best not brought out loud into the universe, if that makes any sense (told y'all I'm a hippie). Anyway, I ask for just a general prayer (if you pray--if not, just pour some vodka out for me or something), sending me some positive vibes so that I can do the things that I want to start up. If this happens for me this will be BIG! I'm excited right now and I'm energized off of an amazing breakfast, so you'll have to excuse me.
Anyway, I just wanted to take a second to show you a fabulous wallet I revamped using the bottom of an old pair or jeans I was about to throw away. During this time of year I'm always cutting up old jeans and making cool shorts out of them, so I decided to do that. The bottom of the jeans was pretty cool and I was wondering what I could do with it, when I remembered an old wallet I'd bought from Forever 21 a year ago. It was falling apart and the front of the fabric was coming off, but the inside was pristine so I kept it, wondering if I'd ever be able to do anything with it.
I simply used Elmer's glue, cut the denim to fit the wallet, and glued it on. I let it dry for about three days. It's still a little shabby and needs some refining but I can't wait to show it off, so I'm probably going to take it to work today. If I can really get it refined I might just sell it, so let me know if you're interested!
Anyway, let me go get ready for work. I just thought I'd share that with you guys really quickly. Thanks for reading.
Ta-ta, dollies!
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