Stuff I'm Diggin' Right Now...
Listening to: Lady Gaga, "The Fame"

Mornin', Fellow Seizurettes!
Since the development of my blog, I've just been compelled to write and write. I have so much to say about fashion so don't be surprised if I'm posting several times throughout any given day. I wanted to include a section of just all kinds of things I'm into at the moment--music, fashion, food, clothes, everything. So here goes:
- Drake. For those of you not into hip hop (or teen melodramas), this Canadian rapper used to be in the show Degrassi: The Next Generation. After a bunch of mixtapes and whatnot, he's finally got a debut album, So Far Gone, coming out very soon. I love his song, "Best I Ever Had", "Every Girl", a surefire summer hit with Lil Wayne and Young Money, and a mixtape song he has with Bun B and Lil Wayne called "Uptown". Call me vain, but what got me so interested in him was the fact that he's so darn cute! (I mean, we are looking at the same picture, right? Only normal, since he's an October baby--his birthday is three days before mine. *le swoon*) And, get this, he can actually sing, too! And the fact that he and Rihanna have a rumored romance have his songs playing on every radio station. Either way, Drizzy Drake is definitely someone to watch out for.
- I'm really into girlifying badass things, like this American Retro vest. I'd wear it as shown, or for added glamour, a sexy minidress (I'm on an Herve Leger fix right now so I could see this with one of their signature bandage dresses) with sky-high heels.
- I've been seeing many variations of this Balmain jacket and I am in love. Rihanna's been prancing around town with it and jeans, it's been on runways and red carpets galore. One
thing you'll learn about me is that I like anything that you can easily dress up or down with just the addition of a few accessories. With this jacket, you can pair it with a sexy, flowy dress and platforms for a edgy-but-glam night on the town, or you can dress it down for day with seemingly-painted-on jeans, an effortless tee and flats.
Okay, call me biased because I work at Victoria's Secret, but I went in for work the other day and we have these cute rings filled with solid perfume! I don't know if you've ever tried the Dream Angels line of products, but I hate them. I think they smell like mosquito spray. And supposedly, Dream Angels Heavenly perfume is the number one perfume in the United States. I don't know if that's true because I'd never heard of the stuff until I started working at VS, but whatever. Anyway, Dream Angels Heavenly has a subline of products called Heavenly Bloom, and I was surprised that I liked it. I also tend to like trompe l'oeil rings, those huge cocktail rings that most people glare at in horror because they feel that they could never wear something so huge and standout-y. But I love them, and this ring is a huge and heavy bouquet of flowers. Just rotate the bouquet and inside lies the solid perfume. A subtle way to reapply during parties, no? My only peeve: I was constantly worrying I'd chip it or break it. Then again, that might be because I hadn't paid for it yet and was just wearing it for the day.
- I'm obsessed with nail polish. Okay, I know I'm obsessed with everything I write about, and that's why I write about it, but when it comes to nail polish, I need it. Gotta have it. I don't leave the house without a fresh coat of paint. Right now I'm digging Revlon Nail Enamel in Tropical Temptation. It goes on like OPI and it's actually glossy (something that can be lacking in cheaper nail polishes). Plus the color is to die. It's like the right amount of pink and orange and red and who knows what else. I guess it'd be a member of the coral family. It's gorge. And totally apropos for the summer months.
- Orange Soda. Well, I'm always loving orange soda.
- '80's music. '80's fashion. '80's lifestyle. My pal Amanda from work sometimes gives me rides home, which rocks (given the two hour bus trip I'd otherwise have to endure). We're frightening similar. We love Rent, '80's music, and karaoke. And whenever we ride home, we blast all kinds of '80's favorites from Human League, Wham!, and Rick Springfield. I consider myself a '90's kid just because I grew up in the time of Rugrats and Gak, not Members Only Dayglo jackets and tutus as outerwear. Still, Mandy Lou and I both agree that we should have been this age in the era I call "Rise of the Synth", and we're making plans to attend an '80's night at a bar nearby. I'm planning on wearing a silk, flowy dress with my favorite Guess leathery motorcycle-esque jacket (saw it in Miami. Was too small. Came back to Virginia. Ordered it immediately.) and platforms or ankle boots. As far as makeup, I'm thinking baby pink lipstick with jet blue eyeliner? Side pony? Teased hair? I need opinions! I'll tell you how it goes!
Ta ta,
Labels: '80's, American Retro, Balmain, Drake, fashion, jackets, jewelry, nail polish, perfume, Revlon, style, vests
hey! i just found your blog, and i love it! keep up the good work!
p.s. i LOVE girlicious, too! 'still in love' is my fave song of theirs. : )
Thanks, booskie! You have been shouted out (see above post)!
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